What makes the Inbaya bags unique? Well, besides the fact that they are 100% biodegradable, 100% handmade, and 100% reusable, the Inbaya bags embody a story. Sewn by underprivileged tribal women in India, these bags are made entirely of newspaper and jute, and provide a means for these women to feed their families. This takes the idea of “small business friendly” to a whole new level!

These carbon negative bags are 13 inch by 17 inch by 7 inch in dimension, which leaves plenty of room for groceries, books, and other carriables. The blazing “I am green” emblem that marks these bags allows every user to proudly associate themselves with the green movement, creating a sense of unity among them.

In other words, by sponsoring or even using an Inbaya bag, you give back to the environment in a very special way – (1) by saying “NO!” to plastic and (2) by supporting families in their fight against poverty. Ain’t that sweet?